Spine Alive | A busy start to 2014!
17 Apr 2014 10:40 AMAlive HealthThe team at Spine Alive have had a very busy start to 2014.
(1) We have been attending health and wellness stalls, and taking our practitioners and products along to share with the Orange community. This month we attended the HealthyU@CSU Expo held at the Orange Charles Sturt University campus.
This event promotes healthy lifestyles to staff and students of CSUs around Australia. Chiropractor and Owner of Spine Alive, Alison Bennett, did a presentation on 'Posture, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly'.
Bob Bones, Spine Alive Ambassador attended this event. He was quite popular with the students (probably due to his collection of Easter Eggs he was handing out).
The team at Spine Alive hope you have a wonderful, safe and fulfilling Easter and ANZAC period, and are able to enjoy a little bit of chocolate! We look forward to continuing to help you be your best after ANZAC day (Spine Alive open as normal from Monday the 28th of April).
Bob Bones