Alive Health Blog - Chiropractic
Chiropractic is the science of diagnosing subluxation to the vertebrae of the spinal column and removing interference to the delicate nerves which provide information to every part of the body to and from the brain
7 Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care
27 Sep 2015 11:40 AMAlive HealthThe benefits of seeing your Chiropractor on a regular basis. seeking optimal wellness, rather than symptomatic, pain response basis.
Posture and Headaches
27 Sep 2015 10:38 AMAlive HealthPoor posture can contribute to headaches and other health issues. Chiropractors can assess, diagnose and treat posture related disorders
Why are you having pain?
7 Nov 2014 4:46 PMAlive HealthThat pain is there for a reason; it is you body’s way of telling you something...
The Art of Chiropractic
2 Sep 2014 9:03 AMAlive HealthThe Art of Chiropractic, Why Chiropractic is a safe, effective and necessary treatment for optimal function. blog by Alison Bennett - Spine Alive Chiropractor.