Alive Health Blog - Chiropractic
Chiropractor Alison Bennett informs to the benefits of chiropractic.
7 Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care
27 Sep 2015 11:40 AMAlive HealthThe benefits of seeing your Chiropractor on a regular basis. seeking optimal wellness, rather than symptomatic, pain response basis.
Posture and Headaches
27 Sep 2015 10:38 AMAlive HealthPoor posture can contribute to headaches and other health issues. Chiropractors can assess, diagnose and treat posture related disorders
Why are you having pain?
7 Nov 2014 4:46 PMAlive HealthThat pain is there for a reason; it is you body’s way of telling you something...
The Art of Chiropractic
2 Sep 2014 9:03 AMAlive HealthThe Art of Chiropractic, Why Chiropractic is a safe, effective and necessary treatment for optimal function. blog by Alison Bennett - Spine Alive Chiropractor.
Stop Compressing the Bones of the Lower Back...
25 Aug 2014 12:54 PMAlive HealthBlog written by Johnathan FitzGordon,